Our Mission - B.A. Physics

The mission of the UH Hilo physics program is to provide students with a rigorous, high-quality foundation in physics. The primary goal is to prepare students for graduate studies, for work as professional physicists, or for careers in secondary education, engineering and just about any technical or scientific fields. Our program supports the liberal arts mission of the University by providing general education courses for all students and service courses for the natural sciences and pre-health fields. The physics program has, and actively seeks, partnerships with other UH Hilo STEM programs. Although a quality undergraduate education is the focus of our degree, our faculty, together with our students, conduct original research and make substantial contributions to community education and service on the Big Island . The UH Hilo Physics program started in 1967-68.

Program Learning Outcomes

The B.A. program in physics is designed to develop student mastery of concepts and problem-solving skills in:

  • Classical mechanics
  • Thermal and statistical physics
  • Electricity, magnetism, and optics
  • Modern physics, relativity, and quantum mechanics
  • Electives such as electronics, astrophysics, and nonlinear science

Further Goals for Student Learning

Graduates are also expected to:

  • Effectively express scientific ideas in writing
  • Use standard mathematical and computational tools to solve problems in physics and astrophysics

Further Goals for Student Learning

Graduates are also expected to:

  • Effectively express scientific ideas in writing
  • Use standard mathematical and computational tools to solve problems in physics and astrophysics

We will strive to provide every opportunity for our students to:

Effectively express scientific ideas in writing

  • Develop experimental skills appropriate for physics work
  • Become proficient at finding and analyzing scientific literature
  • Participate in original research projects
  • Earn internship and employment opportunities as appropriate

Physics Degree Program

The initial two years of the program consist largely of general education courses that are part of a traditional liberal arts education, as well as basic physics and mathematics. The junior and senior years are largely devoted to advanced physics and math coursework, as well as a senior thesis project.

Four-Year Academic Map (2023-2024) Link

Sample four year academic plan from previous 2019-2020 plan

Physics 2019-20 sample four year map

Learn more about Physics at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo

Interested in a Career in Physics?

Questions on our program in Physics?

Prospective students can get more information about the Physics and Astronomy programs at UH Hilo by contacting the UH Hilo Department co-chairs, Dr. R. Pierre Martin & Dr. Marianne Takamiya.

University of Hawai'i at Hilo Physics Program